Proper size and installation are critical to air conditioner efficiency. A unit that is too large will not adequately control humidity; conversely, a unit that is too small will not sufficiently cool a home during the summer months. Improper unit location or duct installation, as well as insufficient insulation, may greatly diminish efficiency. Our contractor’s specialists can help you choose the right air conditioner for your home.

It’s important to choose an air conditioner with high efficiency. Central air conditioners are rated according to their SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) is the measure of efficiency. The higher the number the more energy efficient the unit is. Look for a unit with a SEER of 12 or more. Central air conditioners with the ENERGY STAR® label have SEER ratings of 13 or higher; for even greater savings, you may want to consider air conditioning equipment with even higher SEER ratings. Other important air conditioner features include:

  • A thermal expansion valve and a high-temperature rating (EER) greater than 11.6, to ensure high-efficiency operation during the summer months.
  • A variable-speed air handler for new ventilation systems.
  • A unit that operates quietly.
  • A fan-only switch, so the unit can be used for night-time ventilation (substantially reducing air-conditioning costs).
  • An automatic-delay fan switch, to shut down the fan a few minutes after the compressor.

Give us a call to schedule a FREE ESTIMATE today, contact Air of America at 770-800-3152.

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